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In my dreams...

Even the teachers pointed out to my parents when I was really young, "She's a dreamer."  My mom thought it was cute and I should always be allowed to dream.  So dream I's ingrained in me. 

My dream is to be able to work from home so that I am able to be here for my children at all times.   As part of fulfilling my Masters in Education Degree, I developed a website for educating parents of preschoolers in order to help prepare them for kindergarten.  The site is  What I found during research is that most parents that can't afford to send thier child to Preschool don't qualify for assistance and are plain unable to send them off.  My goal in developing this site was to help those parents that fall into this area ensure that they educate their children based on sound learning principles that can prepare their child for kindergarten.

My dream for the farm is that the animals pay for themselves, these buildings and food cost a lot.  So, what would I like our farm to look like?

Well, seeing as we now have a two bedroom home with a boy and a girl child...let me see what would I like.  How about more  Oh you poor kids.  It's so easy to get side tracked.  So our dream is to add on to the home a larger living area and a master suite...yes...we all currently share the same bathroom. 

I am currently working on lesson plans and researching to set up a farm and Catholic-Christian camp.  I feel combining my two passions will be awesome.  I can't wait to teach again! 

What would we like to do with the chickens?

Sell lots of eggs, hatch some cute chickens and sell them...that's about all we can do with them.  We won't eat our own chickens, just can't do that to Sparky, Katie, Kristie, Leopard, Fast...and the list goes on.  See why we can't eat em?

What about bunnies?

Currently I have a buck and doe Castor Mini Rex and they are wonderful pets, but honestly the only thing we can do with them is breed them to make money to pay for their feed...which never pans out.  I now have two  Hybrid Angora does and one 100% German Angora baby buck.   Their fiber is a beautiful pure, fluffy white.  Just waiting for spinning, felting, or ?. For those looking for a little pet with fiber, we have added a lionhead to the family too. 

How about puppies?

Well, Goldie is turning out to be a wonderful dog she is 3 years old.  She protects this property like some of the best bred dogs.  In fact, I put her in the house the other day, and we lost a chicken to a raccoon while she was away.  We haven't lost any animals on her watch, and she is excellent at notifying me of strangers (and friends) approaching.  Maybe puppies, if we find the right Stud dog.

Apples, Pears, Blueberries, and Plums?

Sell em.  U-Pick.  Come pick fruit and play with animals.  Sounds like a great time!

We are starting a garden!

We plan to have corn, peas, carrots, cucumbers, potatoes, tomatoes, pumpkins ect...maybe I should state what we won't have.

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