Farm Animal Experience

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See animals on the farm

We love all of our animals and enjoy the farm life experience.  We also would love to share this experience with you.  Here are some of our farm family members and exciting things to see and do on our farm.

Here's Short-E. He is a pony club and 4-h horse. He has been great for leading the older kids. He's available for pony rides for $20.00 for 20 minutes. Digital Picture will be e-mailed to you as well.

Short-E giving rides at Birthday party.

Meet Little Nickle (he's not big enough to be a quarter horse). He is available to pet and feed treats (in a bowl) as part of the "It's a Wonderful Farm Life" experience.

Hey little chicks and Emmett. We sometimes will have chicks available to play with as well as the momma hens. All of our chickens have been held throughout thier life and enjoy the attention.

Don't forget your farm fresh eggs $2.50 per dozen. We raise healthy and hearty free-range chickens. Sometimes the chicks will also be available for sale.

This is Goldie. She's a golden-doodle and will give any other herding dog a run for their money. She will always bark to let us know when someone is here and also protects the animals from our neighboring coyotes.

Yes, that is a coyote. She was found sleeping. After the coyotes got our chickens last year we considered hunting them. Todd went there with a gun and ran back for a camera. They are all God's creatures and Momma was just taking care of her young.

We love the Elk here. They are such a majestic creature. No hunting is allowed on our property.

Castor Mini-Rex. This is one of Cuddles' and Sweet Pete's. He found a home. We should have more available in May.

Grandma and Cassidy holding Sugar Puff and Abundant Grace. Our German/french and satin angoras. They have beautiful soft fiber that we hand trim every 3 months and sell for $3.00 per oz. Great for felting and spinning.

Here's Abundant Grace. We also have all natural apple sticks availabe for a great treat for your bunny. See Food section for more details.

Meet Rico. He's the nicest rooster I have ever met.

Occassionally we bring in other animals. These are some running ducks. We look forward to getting pheasants, peacocks, and other animals this summer. New animals are always available, check back often.

Hello little chickies. Our farm mix chicks are held often and given lots of love. We raise our chickens to be tame and friendly. Some of them think they are house chickens and they do get a start in our house. But I draw the line there.